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Everyone has a network; it’s just a matter of thinking broadly and creatively about who is in it. Social media has opened up countless new ways to network virtually with virtually anyone.


步骤1. Understand that networking is really just a process of meeting people and having conversations. 这不是销售电话,也不是工作面试.

步骤2. 指示,但不要强迫. 因为您通常是生成此交互的人, 你需要做好引导谈话的准备. 事先对这个人的职业道路有一些问题吗, 他们的组织, 以及他们可能给你的建议. 让对话从这里开始.

步骤3. 要懂得珍惜. You should always respect the time and efforts of the people you interact with. 这意味着如果你打电话没有安排会议的话,要简短, be on time if you do have a scheduled meeting and be attentive at all times.

步骤4. 跟进. 你应该在见到某人后发送后续消息. This can be in the form of an email, a mailed letter or even a connection request on LinkedIn. If the meeting was in a formal setting, the follow up should have the tone of a "thank you" letter.

步骤5. 维持关系. 跟进并不仅仅止于一封电子邮件或领英上的联系. Look for opportunities to reconnect on an occasional-but-ongoing basis in the months and years that follow.



寻找与职场人士见面和交流的途径. 职业服务 provides multiple career events throughout the fall and spring semesters as well as a list of off-campus events. 查看就业服务 事件时间表 详细信息和其他信息.

学生们还应该考虑建立人际关系网的其他选择, 其中可以包括专业小组或协会会议, the Chamber of Commerce groups and more generalized industry or geographically-oriented networking events. See the links below for examples of local networking events and organizations


Connecting with Northwest alumni can be one of the best approaches to networking. Members of the 熊猫 family have loyalty to Northwest and are often happy to help students with networking and informational interviewing.

There are many options for locating and connecting with graduates of Northwest. In addition to Northwest alumni groups on social media outlets like LinkedIn and 脸谱网, 你可以参加 校友分会会议 在不同的地方.


社交媒体已经成为和记棋牌娱乐日常生活的一部分, 但是这些渠道可以在几个方面给你的求职带来好处, 包括趋势和和记娱乐ios信息, serving as a place to locate jobs and internships and expanding your network. 你可以利用大量的社交媒体网站. 和记棋牌娱乐建议您考虑以下几点:

There are a variety of other tools and sites that you can use to develop your personal brand and incorporate into your job search strategy, including online portfolios and participating in sharing networks (Slideshare.com、SoundCloud等.).  就像大多数与职业相关的活动一样, you should initiate these as part of a larger strategy to emphasize your personal skills and values.  Explore opportunities and decide what avenues are best for your goals.



LinkedIn.com provides the opportunity to stay in touch with your professional connections.  然而, 它的作用远不止于此, other aspects of the site can provide an amazing amount of value to your career exploration or job search activities.  以下是和记棋牌娱乐对你使用LinkedIn的建议.


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